Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Goodbyes, Sunday 6/29/14

We knew that the high tide hit the beach at around 7:45 on our last day in Fiji.  This meant that we had to get up early to go snorkeling and say good morning to the fish.  With all the seaweed and coral in the waist-high water, there was no other time to do snorkeling at the resort.

Since we started using our breakfast package on our first day at the resort, rather than after our first night, it meant we were on our own for breakfast on our last morning.  We decided to try the Bedarra Inn since dinner had been so spectacular.  However, the breakfast menu was very disappointing for Kevin, who ended up getting a bowl of cereal and a cappuccino.  I got an omelette, which was yummy, and a latte, which was not to be desired.  We enjoyed it as much as we could, and got a move on to the beach.  

Didn't see too many anemones, but there were still clownfish!  Do you see it?

Kev made friends everywhere he went!

These were the brightest fish in our little cove...

I used to know what this fish was called...(possibly Threadfin Butterfly fish? -KPQ)


I never knew what these fish were called... 

Humuhumunukunukua'pua'a - I spelled it for Kevin the other day, 
and I believe I got it right on the first try!
(State fish of Hawaii!)

sea cucumber

Kev thought the orange buldgy thing was an octopus.  Turned out to just be some coral.

from here it looks like a puffer fish...

from here, it doesn't...

and we stumbled on to a few of these octopus-looking-arm things.  
Kev investigated and found that they were in fact NOT octopus arms.  
(Research indicates probably a Spotted Worm Sea Cucumber. -KPQ)

He got a video of their feathery mouth parts too, but it's a bit shaky and long, so not including it here.

We stayed out for quite a while.  By the time we got back onto the beach, we could see that the tide was already receding.  

After, we went back to the room and started packing.  Zac came to check on us, and told us we were supposed to check out by 11 -- OOPS!  We were no where near ready.  He told us we'd be fine til noon...  

After packing up and checking out, we went out onto the beach.  We actually had lunch at the Bederra Inn again, which was nice.  And we still had a few hours to kill before transportation came to get us.  So, we straggled back, stopping for a couple's massage.  Unfortunately, they only took cash, which we were out of.  So we stopped at a beach bar, where Kev ordered a bowl of kava and I had a virgin daiquiri -- the only one I've been able to get on the beach!  Our last little hoorah in Fiji...

Long story short, off to the airport, and onto our flight...  The funny thing is, we left at around 10:00 on the 29th.  Then, we got back to LA at noon on the 29th!...  Really confused us, and we had to ask which day of the week it was.  

Great trip!  Great vacation!  Great wedding! ...  Maybe we'll get back for our 25th wedding anniversary?!

Thank you Quindlens!!! Or as we say in Fiji, Vanaka Vakalevu!

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